by drainadmin | Jul 20, 2012 | RV
Hey Folks! Gary Bunzer, The RV Doctor, here on the Drain Master blog. I hope you’ve been gleaning lots of good info from the great team at Drain Master as I do. Doug and crew are the experts in RV waste management and have been for many years. I typically will...
by drainadmin | Jun 28, 2012 | RV
Gary Bunzer has spent much of his life diagnosing and healing recreation vehicle problems, and passing information he’s learned on to others. He will conduct several motorhome maintenance “clinics” during Family Motor Coach Association’s August gathering in...
by drainadmin | Jun 26, 2012 | Drain Master Valves, RV, Waste Master Hose Systems
Every RVer knows that dumping the Black water, then the Gray water is to insure any residual Black water will be flushed down with the Gray water—but is this really true? After we answer this age old question, stay tuned for information on the best sewer hose...
by drainadmin | Jun 8, 2012 | Drain Master Valves, RV, Waste Master Hose Systems
If you have ever experienced that unmistakable smell inside your RV, you absolutely know it is not supposed to be there EVER! Why it came into the living space of your coach is in all probability for one or two reasons. If you have been travelling down the road when...
by drainadmin | May 29, 2012 | Drain Master Valves, RV
We have talked about valve positioning in the past and most manual valve failures can be contributed solely to the position the valve body is in, in relation to the pipe it is located in. Keeping the valve body over the piping, as opposed to beside or under the...